Use "forfeiture|forfeitures" in a sentence

1. Both face maximum forfeitures of about $2 million.

2. Civil and criminal asset forfeiture laws are often confused. Criminal forfeiture involves proven criminals.

3. Unless Adjudging total forfeitures, the amount of partial forfeitures must be stated by the court-martial in whole dollars to be forfeited each month and for how many months

4. Note: Life Non - forfeiture Provisions will apply.

5. Synonyms for Confiscations include appropriations, expropriations, seizures, sequestrations, forfeitures, annexations, distraints, requisitions, abstractions and

6. Confiscation may also be referred to as forfeiture.

7. Madoff's lawyers have called the forfeiture demand'grossly overstated'and'misleading.

8. Forfeiture for non-payment of rent follows a different procedure from that of forfeiture for breach of any other covenant in the lease.

9. Terminations of insurance policies that have non - forfeiture values.

10. It is believed to be Britain's largest bail forfeiture.

11. Refusal to sign meant forfeiture of property and exile.

12. But the chief justice saved them the effort by ordering that the bond forfeitures be vacated.

13. Confiscation is also known as forfeiture in some jurisdictions

14. Abandonment differs from surrender in that surrender requires an agreement, and also from Forfeiture, in that forfeiture may be against the intention of the party alleged to have forfeited

15. For this reason, Civil forfeiture case names often appear strange, such

16. The forfeiture proceedings take place before magistrates and are often uncontested.

17. Terminations of insurance policies that do not have non - forfeiture values.

18. Failure to meet repayments leads automatically to forfeiture of the lease.

19. He was deep in debt and faced with forfeiture of his property.

20. The forfeiture of self-created lobbies is perhaps the major reason for political inaction.

21. The most important consequences of Attainder were forfeiture and corruption of blood

22. There was no claim for possession pursuant to the proviso for forfeiture.

23. At this stage, however, the tenant can also apply for relief from forfeiture.

24. 03-21-2019 $2,320,000 Forfeiture against Long Distance Consolidated Billing Company for Cramming, slamming, deceptive marketing, and truth-in-billing violations 04-27-2018 $5,323,322 Forfeiture proposed against Tele Circuit Network Corporation for Cramming, slamming, deceptive marketing, and truth-in-billing violations 10-03-2017 $3,963,722 Forfeiture Proposed against Neon Phone Service, Inc

25. It places priority on tackling illicit trade, diversion of precursors, asset forfeiture and drug money laundering.

26. Punishment has included reduction in rank, forfeiture of pay, confinement and bad conduct discharge.

27. Synonyms for Amercements include penalties, damages, mulcts, forfeiture, punishment, forfeits, penances, fines, sanction and amends

28. I was sentenced to three years and forfeiture of all my property to the State.

29. Race horse Amercement is by Lonhro (AUS) out of Forfeiture (AUS) , trained by James Cummings

30. That was cowardice worthy of franchise forfeiture, because the Broncos were at least a competent team.

31. The framework for relief from forfeiture in the county court is provided by the County Courts Act 19

32. There is no express provision for the withholding or forfeiture of the security on the advance .

33. Civil forfeiture occurs when the government seizes property under suspicion of its involvement in illegal activity

34. Synonyms for Attainder include forfeiture, loss, relinquishment, surrender, confiscation, giving up, sequestration, damages, denial and fine

35. Synonyms for Amercement include penalty, damages, mulct, forfeiture, punishment, sanction, fine, forfeit, penance and financial penalty

36. Late delivery of materials after the material deadline may result in forfeiture of the advertising space.

37. A federal judge will decide whether the miles should be considered as assets and confiscated under forfeiture laws.

38. The absorption of illicit enrichment (hereafter confiscation) is conviction-based and Liechtenstein law does not allow civil forfeiture.

39. Amercement (plural Amercements) (law) A non- statutory monetary penalty or forfeiture, usually applied at the discretion of a court

40. amercement (plural Amercements) (law) A non- statutory monetary penalty or forfeiture, usually applied at the discretion of a court

41. Adherence to Lancaster meant a further forfeiture in 14 but this was followed by a second restoration in 14

42. In addition, the Justice Department recently filed an in rem forfeiture action against $84 million allegedly traceable to illegal payments.

43. (Civil service - Officials - Annual leave - Absence without prior permission after annual leave used up - Forfeiture of remuneration - Article 60 of the Staff Regulations)

44. A neutral presentation would expose the difference and show that the delegation of authority does not imply the forfeiture of ultimate control.

45. Confiscation noun seizure, appropriation, impounding, forfeiture, expropriation, sequestration, takeover Anyone convicted of drug trafficking would be liable to Confiscation of assets and imprisonment

46. Comminatory Menacing; threatening punishment.; Comminatory In law, coercive; threatening; imposing an unconscionable forfeiture or other hardship, in such sense as not to be enforcible in a court of justice.

47. Amercements that shall happen to be made and all forfeitures which shall fall before you, you shall cause to be entered with- out any Concealment, and Certifie the same to his Lord- ships Receiver of this Province

48. Background information disclosure (Bid) PENALTY: Knowingly providing false information or omitting information may result in a forfeiture of up to $1,000 and other sanctions as provided in Wis

49. Sequostration – An estate of a person attainted, which had reverted to a loyal superior, is sequestrated at the instance of competing creditors, Adjudgers prior to the forfeiture

50. Common law originally divided Crimes into two categories: felonies—the graver Crimes, generally punishable by death and the forfeiture of the perpetrator’s land and goods to the

51. SECTION 11 Forfeiture of Cash Bond Deposit ? The Director may forfeit the cash bond deposit in favor of the government upon the cancellation of the license for cause.

52. (1) The penalty imposed for the illegal transportation of merchandise between Coastwise points is forfeiture of the merchandise or, in the discretion of the port director, forfeiture of a monetary amount up to the value of the merchandise to be recovered from the consignor, seller, owner, importer, consignee, agent, or other person or persons so transporting or causing the merchandise to be transported (46 …

53. 14, 2014, forfeiture of all weapons; possession of Burglarious tools, dismissed; three counts of carrying a dangerous weapon, dismissed; disturbing the peace, sufficient facts found, but continued without a …

54. A convicted bank robber may lose his getaway car; a money-launderer may lose the house he bought with his illicit profits. Civil forfeiture is different. No conviction is necessary.

55. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person Attainted

56. The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person Attainted

57. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person Attainted.

58. From the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth century, Almshouses offered food, shelter, clothing, and medical care to the poorest and most vulnerable, often in exchange for hard labor and forfeiture of freedom.

59. Special Court martial In a special Court martial, accused individuals could potentially be penalized with disciplinary actions such as forfeiture of pay, reduction of pay grade, bad conduct discharges and confinement of up to one year

60. The Lord Almoner, or Lord High Almoner, in England, is an ecclesiastical officer, generally a bishop, who has the forfeiture of al deodands, and the goods of self-murderers, which he is to distribute to the poor

61. ‘The reluctance to wave the big stick at employers does not Betoken EU indifference.’ ‘The forfeiture occurred March 27, 2002, when, in a private act Betokening an uneasy conscience, he signed the McCain-Feingold law expanding government regulation of …

62. Returning Berths/Invited Teams: All teams that have a returning berth or have been invited to the 2021 PGF National Championship must have their entry fee payment of $2,550.00, paid online by March 1st, 2021.Teams who fail to meet the March 1st deadline are subject to forfeiture of their berth or invite.

63. Any unsealed rifle, shotgun, airgun, or other gun or firearm, found within any Dominion Park except herein provided, may be forfeited to His Majesty by the order of the Superintendent or any forest officer in the Park’s service; but such forfeiture shall not relieve from further penalties the person or persons in whose possession such unsealed weapon is found.